
How are the systems act on the development of design software?
How are the systems act on the development of design software?

Necessary changes in tax policy In the previous article, we talked about the common between architecture and AI. Today we will look at the relationship between AI systems and software development projects.   Much of the technology in artificial intelligence has been developed by the gaming industry, and its skill is to produce forms of AR - Augmented reality, still known as enriched reality. AR has an interesting potential to change the perception and engagement with architectural projects for...

Where is the symbiosis between architecture and AI?
Where is the symbiosis between architecture and AI?

What is the future of architecture?  The world evolves, automates, and the man is increasingly contributing to his development, but more of processes are automated. This comes with positives - more time for what we really are good and less lost time or money. Hardly soon there will be architects robots, but certainly technology is moving in that direction and innovation are welcome. What is the architect? Today, he is the person who builds and helps develop cities. It is something like creativi...

Kакво е оценка на имот?
Kакво е оценка на имот?

  Kакво е оценка на имот?       Почти всеки собственик на недвижимо имущество си задава един въпрос - каква е пазарната цена на моя недвижим имот? Това е въпрос, чийто отговор наистина е вълнуващ, особено ако предстои покупка или продажба на имот.   Какво всъщност представлява оценката на имот?     Обяснено по най-прост начин - това е действителната парична стойност, с която може да се купи имущество с идентични характеристики. Най-важните условия, за да имаме акуратна оценка са наличието...

Tax policy you need to know
Tax policy you need to know

Every young family dreams about a home. Home, where to live their dream life.The national accusation of the patient support that and proposes a change in the tax policy for the first home. They think that have the potential to make the whole of the competition.Young people need an incentive because homes are becoming more accessible to them end they can’t pay them all their lives.Тhe policy today leads to an increase in supply and a reduction in supply.Dimitar Kavov, Member of the HACP says that...