The power of speaking the client's language

This time, we will present our team in a new light, hoping to bring you closer to the work of our brokers. For us, brokering is not merely a transaction, but rather the art of attention, understanding, and building mutual trust with our clients.

Brokering demands a multitude of skills and qualities, including good situational judgment, networking abilities, and expert knowledge of the market. However, beyond that, our brokers understand that the essence of their professionalism lies in communication. How can we create and maintain an even better connection with our clients? By speaking their language.

In the world of cultural diversity in which Galardo Real Estate operates, language barriers can pose a serious obstacle to effective communication. Nevertheless, we are determined to overcome it. That's why we strive not only to understand our clients but also to comprehend them in their own language. As one of our polyglot brokers, Yani Kirov, says in German: "Die wichtigste Eigenschaft eines erfolgreichen Maklers ist die kommunikative Kompetenz." ("The most important quality for a successful broker is communicative competence.") Simona Yordanova adds in English: "To be successful, a broker must be self-confident, have a personal attitude with the client, and know the market well."

In today's world of rapid communication and global economy, the ability to speak the same language as clients is crucial for business success. Galina Kutuleva from our team further explains in Russian some of the other key competencies of an excellent broker: "Умение анализировать информацию и применять ее на практике, вести успешные переговоры и быстро принимать решения, постоянное самообучение и позитивный настрой каждый день." ("The ability to analyze information and apply it in practice, conduct successful negotiations and make quick decisions, continuous self-improvement, and a positive attitude every day.")

Therefore, we are proud to boast a team of brokers who speak various languages: French, Italian, German, Russian, English, and others.