Galardo Real Estate with Agency of the Year Award.

Galardo Real Estate won the "Agency of the Year - Medium Business" award in the sixth edition of the annual awards. We  received the award at the only national forum that awards honors for the achievements and integrity of companies and experts in the sector.

The manager of the agency, Toma Stanishev, thanked for the award and said that it was the result of hard work and professionalism on the part of his entire team. We also received a nomination for an award in the category "Best Agency Website".

The award ceremony took place last week. The glamorous ceremony also included an expert discussion on "The Home of the New Generation", which focused on new trends in the sector and the efforts of the industry to find more environmentally friendly solutions for the construction of housing and buildings.

The difficult and provocative 2020 put everyone in the sector to the test, and for the best it was a motivation to show what they are capable of. We thank the team of for the award. It gives us an even greater incentive to work diligently and thoughtfully with our customers.